Becoming More Mindful: Where to Start?

Becoming More Mindful: Where to Start?

We live in a fast-paced society where it feels like there's rarely (dare I say never) enough time. I know I'm not alone in this feeling; I hear about it daily from friends and family, and of course the clients I counsel in my practice. The overwhelm is folded into the lives of my clients who are struggling to conceive, those grieving, the women who are adjusting to the reality of motherhood, the men who feel a ridiculous amount of pressure to provide and succeed financially. Sometimes the greatest stressors come from within, our attempts to be the best partner/parent/daughter/brother/insert role.

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Four Reasons to Join An (In)fertility Group

Four Reasons to Join An (In)fertility Group

Acknowledging the issue of infertility is often the biggest barrier to seeking help. The word itself may at first be scary, And then there's the fear and shame, which help maintain the loneliness and isolation so many experience. We often think we should be able to handle whatever life throws at us alone. But that's simply unrealistic. We are social  beings and rely on others for many reasons. 

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Birth Trauma: Is THAT What I've Been Experiencing?

Birth Trauma: Is THAT What I've Been Experiencing?

Like many mom-conversations go, Sara asked about the age difference between my two kids and how I felt about it. She told me that although her daughter was begging for a sibling and her husband was also ready, she wasn’t prepared to get pregnant again just yet. She was conflicted about her timing tho, noting her age and the pressure she was feeling to have another baby.

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Wondering When It Gets Easier, Mama? Why it's harder than you imagined to mother an older infant +7 tips to help you through

Wondering When It Gets Easier, Mama? Why it's harder than you imagined to mother an older infant +7 tips to help you through

Your baby is 6 months. Perhaps 8 or 10 months old. You thought you'd "have it together" by now. Or at least feel like a version of your former self. You've managed to piece together some semblance of a routine and take care of the basics- you go food shopping, hit the park after the second nap occasionally. But you feel anything but together. 

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Spread the Word: Ask that New Mom About Her Mental Health #AskHer

Spread the Word: Ask that New Mom About Her Mental Health #AskHer

When a woman is pregnant people are so eager to chat, engage and support her.  Doors are held open by strangers. Family and friends gather to shower the expectant mother and her baby to be. Couples take babymoons to celebrate their time together as a couple and the new beginning that lies ahead. However, once baby is born, it’s not uncommon for mothers to be left behind while their new baby becomes the focus of attention— theirs and everyone else’s. 

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